Practice Self-care and Feel More Energized

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Self-care is any human controlling, individually regulated, actively and self-initiated features.

The concept of self-caring is more important nowadays. But as we know many people are really confused by its actual meaning. And most people are taking this very lightly. Practicing self-care is very important for our busy lifestyle.

So, what is self-care and why is it so important?

When someone asked us the question: “Do you take care of yourself ?” most of us answer’s will be “Yes”. We even think, “What kind of stupid question is this ?”, of course, I care about myself.

But only looking pretty, wearing a fashionable dress and going to the gym doesn’t mean that we are taking good care of ourselves. Self-care includes mental, emotional and physical health. If we are able to practice this activity, then only we can take care of ourselves.

Self-care is a promise that we make with ourselves, for a good relationship with oneself and others. Although it seems a simple concept, we often overlook this.

Self-care is not something that we force ourselves to do or something that we don’t enjoy doing. It’s all about how can we take care of ourselves mentally and physically.

Most of us are so busy in our lifestyle, that we are not able to take good care of ourselves. We think that we are taking care, but actually we aren’t and this negligence might cost us a lot.

Practicing self-care isn’t an easy job and due to our busy schedule, me-time is always on the last agenda for us. We always give first priority to our job rather than ourselves. And this the biggest weakness of ours. Most of us neglect our health and prioritize other things. We are busy the whole day working for others, but we don’t have time for ourselves.

Why do we must engage in Self-Care?

As we know the engagement in self-care is not so easy. We must have the enthusiasm for this. To recreate yourself at first you must take care of your self. This makes you more energetic and concentrated towards your personal and professional life.

Never say ‘No’ when it comes to health because it’s the most important asset of your life. So, self-care is the very first and important thing we must practice. This helps you to create a life you love. Self-care includes daily exercise, traveling, healthy foods and many more.

Self-care is something that you must practice actively, rather than something that happens itself. You must stick to it and be conscious until you find your own rhythm and routine. Never practice it for others, just be aware of what are you doing, why are you doing, how does it feels and finally what the outcomes are.

There are many ways to get started with your self-care:

  • Make enough sleep as part of your self-care
  • Daily exercise relaxes the mind.
  • Take a nutritious and healthy diet.
  • Follow up medical care.
  • Take a break from a daily routine.
  • Spend some time with yourself and your loved ones.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Organize yourself, means making a routine and perform the task.
  • Practice pleasurable activity every day, from cooking at home to laughing, to playing with your pets.

I know it’s not easy for us to practice these steps at once. For the first time, we will have to face many difficulties and stress. But as it is said “Difficult Roads Lead To Beautiful Destination”, this practice will be very beneficial to your future.

It’s just that you have to calm your mind and practice these steps without any hesitation. With time you will enjoy doing this. Just remember that “If not now, when”.

And never forget to give yourself time and always be good to yourself. Don’t think that you are being selfish, because sometimes being selfish for yourself is good for you. So try to give more time for self-care practice.

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