All About Menstruation

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When it comes to talking about women, she struggles a lot with different things and situations throughout their lives like household works, office, pregnancy, menstruation, children, etc. and many more.


Yes, menstruation gods gift for women, which is painful but at the same time its the best way to get a beautiful gift as “children”. Due to this women gets an opportunity to be called “Mother”.

Ever wonder what really happens during menstruation?

Talking about menstruation, it’s the time when women have to deal with severe menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, sensitive feelings. We can say that the menstrual cycle is an indicator of women’s reproductive health. Your mood swings instantly with the pain. You feel like eating different types of food or sometimes feels like vomiting.

Maybe you wanted to talk to your mom, dad, sister, brother or friends about it. But each time you try to talk about it you will feel hesitation as if it’s a bad thing and could barely talk about it. Its something natural but is seen as something dirty and disgust. Girls are taught to hide this because of ashamed of their own menstruation as if the cycles were not part of life.

Women have to deal with severe menstrual cramps which affect her not only physically but mentally also. It’s basically one of the painful parts of being a woman, and no other can even think what she goes through.

According to the study, a standardized age of starting menstruation is between 10-19 years. For the very first time of menstruation, girls feel uncomfortable and are unable to tolerate the pain. The cramps, excessive bleeding, pain in the whole body is unbearable for a few times for girls.

Periods typically occur once a month, which usually lasts for 5-7 days (3 days for some). Sometimes periods might last longer than usual, so this might indicate something is wrong with the body. And it’s obvious that these days are not normal for the women.

And what about its solution?

Researchers introduced a convenient and hygienic-sanitary product like Menstrual Cups, Sanitary Napkin, Tampon. These products have really made women’s life easy and comfortable during those days. Nowadays due to this product women are able to do their work comfortably. Using these products they also can hang out with friends and family during that time.

Basically, there are two basic types of period products: External Protection and Internal Protection.

External Protection such as pads and panty liners are attached to the crotch of underpants to absorb your menstrual flow after it leaves the body. While Internal Protection such as tampons and cups are inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual flow before it leaves your body. Some people prefer external protection and some use internal protection because it can’t feel it and it is easier to use while playing sports.

The number of women using internal protection is increasing on a daily basis but there are such women also who even don’t know about internal protection. They are unaware of the process of using those protections. Therefore it’s very important to provide knowledge about both protection for each woman.

1. Sanitary Napkin

Sanitary Napkin

It is an absorbent pad worn by women who are menstruating to absorb the uterine flow. Pads were mentioned at the beginning of the 10th century. Women often used strips of folded old cloth to absorb their menstrual flow.

Women often used a variety of home-made menstrual pads which they crafted from various fabrics, or other absorbent materials, to collect menstrual blood. These types of pads are washable and reusable.

Even after disposable pads were available, for several years women used home-made pads because those disposable pads were too expensive for many women to afford. It took several years for disposable pads to become common as house-made pads.

A sanitary pad is a type of product that is worn externally. The frequency a woman will need to change her pad will vary depending on whether her menstrual flow is heavy or light. We can find different brands of pads in the market nowadays.

There are several types of disposable menstrual pads:

  1. Panty Liner:- These are designed to absorb daily vaginal discharge, light menstrual cycle, or as a backup for a tampon or menstrual cup.
  2. Ultra-thin Pad:- A very thin pad that may be used as absorbent as a regular super pad but with less bulk.
  3. Regular Pad:- A middle range absorbency pad.
  4. Maxi/Super Pad:- A larger absorbency pad, useful for the start of the menstrual cycle when menstruation is often heavy.
  5. Overnight Pad:- A longer pad to allow for more protection while the wearer is lying down, with an absorbency suitable for overnight use.
  6. Maternity Pad:- These are usually slightly longer than other pads and are designed to be worn to absorb bleeding that occurs after childbirth and also can absorb urine.

Depending on the manufacturer, the shape, absorbency, and length are dependent. Some manufacturers provide options of wings or tabs that wrap around the sides of the underwear to add additional leak protection and help secure the pad in place along with deodorant which is designed to cover menstrual odor with a light fragrance.

2. Tampon

It is a hygiene product designed to absorb the menstrual flow by insertion into the vagina during menstruation. It has a string attached to its end, so you can easily pull them out. A tampon can be used for 4 to 8 hours and also can be worn overnight. It absorbs menstrual flow or blood before leaving the body.

Basically, there are two types of Tampon, tampon with and without an applicator. They are different in the way they expand when coming in use, applicator tampons generally expand in length and digital tampons expand in diameter.

Tampon with and without applicator

Non-applicator is much smaller and easier to carry around and also is more environmentally friendly. Whereas tampon with the applicator is a more safe way to know that your tampon will be in properly and securely. But as we know tampon with the applicator is more expensive because it is made of different products and tampon with non-applicator is made up of the only cotton.

The very first feeling of using a tampon can very odd and difficult. You might think about how to insert it and exert it after using and many more questions like,

  1. How to use a tampon?
  2. Are tampons uncomfortable to use?
  3. Which tampons are best, with an applicator or without an applicator?
  4. Can tampons get lost in the vagina?
  5. Is it dangerous?
  6. Can we go swimming with it? and many more. But all these questions disappear after using it successfully. You might feel difficult and uncomfortable for the first time but once used you will feel very comfortable. You even can’t feel it inside your vagina.

So you can try tampons during menstruation, and you will love that. And can’t stop yourself using it.

3. Menstrual Cups

A menstrual cup is a hygiene product used during menstruation that is inserted into the vagina. Its purpose is to prevent from leaking of blood.

Menstrual Cup

It’s an eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons. Cups are made up of silicone or latex rubber whose shape is like a bell. Instead of absorbing the blood like pad and tampon, it catches and collects the blood, before it comes out.

As we know, every beginning can be difficult. And this might be too. But once you have used it, you will be willing to feel more comfortable than regular pads and will feel free to do your daily works. These cups are reusable and can last up to 10 years.

It depends on your flow and you can keep it up to 4- 12 hours. The initial cost of cups is high, but once you buy it can be used for the long-term.

Some of the steps on how to use a menstrual cup:

1. Sterilize the Cup: Before every use of the cup, sterilize it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

2. Fold and insert the folded Cup: The cups can be folded in many ways. By folding the cups in different ways, insert it inside your vagina and simply let it pop open.

3. Check if the cup is unfolded: Once it’s inside, it must feel like it is unfolded. It should feel round and must not have any folds. If you feel any fold, grip the base of the cup and rotate it to make it unfold.

4. Remove the menstrual cup: Using your abdominal muscles, push the cup downwards until you reach the base. Once you reach the base, pull it slightly.

5. Empty and re-insert: After pulling out, empty the cup and clean it and insert it again as before.

It might take you a few days or a few periods to become comfortable with this menstrual cup. So just relax, and practice ad you will be soon habitual of it.  

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