How Google Adwords Works?

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Google Adwords (Google Ads) is Google’s online advertising platform, where you can display ads of your business. This enables you to set a budget for advertising for your business and only pay when people click the ads. This is why we can call it a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising platform.

Every second, there are a million searches performed on Google, and the majority search include google ads. Therefore, Google ads are the best way to transforms your business, only if you do it in the right way. But if you do it wrong, you could spend thousands of dollars and get nothing but trouble.

Google ads service focuses on a keyword. Therefore, you have to choose the keywords very carefully based on your product or service. You can run a campaign with the help of google ads. In addition, this campaign can help you get targeted audience for your product by using text and video.

How to start a Google Ads?

If you’re ready to advertise with Google ads, follow these steps:

Sign up for Google Adwords

Search “” on your browser and here you come to google ads home page. You’ll need a username to use Google Adwords. If you have a Gmail account then you can use it, or you can choose a new user name for Google ads.

This can be done by clicking on the Start Now button as shown below.

This will take you to the manager account page

As you can see above, these are the option provided by the google ads for advertising. This options will help you set a complete campaign to run for your business at your budget and for your targeted audience.

There you’ll get information about how it works, costing, and its resources like details of different types of campaigns.

Verify Your Account

If you have used your existing Google account, you do not need to follow this step. But, if you are using a new Google account for Adwords, then you must verify your account.

Set Up Your Manager Account

Meanwhile, you’ll be creating a manager account, by which you can control multiple accounts from a single dashboard.

Click on ‘Create a Manager Account’, as shown in the above picture. As a result, you will be directed to Google Ads Manager Account page.

Here is the step-to-step process of creating an account.

  1. Enter your email address (remember you must have Gmail account).
  2. Enter your account name.
  3. You’ll have to choose either you’re using this account to manage your personal or other’s people account.
  4. Choose a country, time zone, currency (people of Nepal can choose India Standard Time and US Dollar since there is no Nepalese time, and Rupees in option).
  5. Click on Save and Continue.

This is the page you are going to see after all those steps.

Now click on “Explore Your Account”.

Finally, you’re on the google ads page as shown below.

In this page, you can now create as many as a campaign with different functions like texts, videos and many more.

As shown in the above picture, I’ve marked a number. The number provided by Google to you works as your ID. With the help of this ID, Google will know that it’s you. After that, Google tracks your campaign details and runs it throughout the world.

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