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Hootsuite is one of the tools that referred to as a “Social Media Management System” or tool. It allows you to track and control your multiple network channels. It helps you to track and help you react instantly to what people say about your brand.

You also can view and directly post updates or respond to streams on several networks, such as Facebook, Twitter. With so many networks for companies, social media management tools have undoubtedly become so popular and trusted by so many companies. Hootsuite has a web dashboard, which helps users to keep their Twitter account up to date.

Let us talk about Hootsuite’s features:

  1. Multiple streams track in a single location
  2. A team is responsible for your social media empire
  3. Customer Service Management on Twitter
  4. Receive free email updates
  5. Cross-Platform
  6. You want to merge multiple things

Now let us describe these features in detail.

  1. Multiple streams track in a single location

The most important reason to use Hootsuite is that it allows you to manage all your social networks. It allows you to manage social networks like, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, WordPress blogs, etc. This will be helpful if you are using multiple social networks.

You can schedule the posts and post them on your different social networks at the same time. Just remember that the audiences are different for each network and you have to post according to your audience. Hence be very careful in this situation.

2. A team is responsible for your social media empire

Hootsuite helps you to assign answers to various team members. However, if a team member has logged in, they will see which tasks are allocated to them and will not make the mistake to respond to a status already replied.

One useful tool is the messaging function of Hootsuite, which enables members of the team to send private messages. It is useful when the team members are out of the office like working from home.

3. Customer Service Management on Twitter

The reason for you to use Hootsuite also might be to have your social network to place in the first place. If your major cause for social presence is for handling Twitter customer service, Hootsuite will most likely be your best tool.

Hootsuite allows you to store draft messages which you can post when you receive a frequently asked question.

4. Receive free email updates

If you are using Hootsuite to manage your social networks, then the analytic report is very important. Hootsuite emails you every week with a pdf-attachment to the summaries of your selection. It will provide you the following graphs:

  1. Number of click per day
  2. Geographical information about people who click
  3. Top referrers
  4. Links that are most popular

Hootsuite always provides you a weekly analysis of the following graphs that are listed above.

5. Cross-Platform

Hootsuite works on all modern browsers. So, we can say it a cross-platform. Making it work on Mac OSX, Windows, Linux, and mobile platforms is easy.

6. You want to merge multiple things

Hootsuite supports numbers of networks and apps, which is the most appealing thing. In other words, you can say it is a real time saver for business. Because you can post on multiple networks at the same time. The post can be scheduled and post according to your time and stop being worried. Hence, this feature of Hootsuite is very welcoming.