Google Search Console

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Google Search Console is Google’s free service to assist you in tracking, updating and troubleshooting your content in Google search results. This lets your search engine to send traffic to your site. And it is possible only when the search engine knows about your content.

How often have you heard about the search console?

If you are a blogger then you must know about the search console. Because it allows website owners, webmasters, web marketers, and SEO practitioners to track Google’s search index results.

On the other hand, there are many functions that the search console does for your website. For example, search traffic, search appearance, some technical updates, crawl data, and many other additional functions.

Now, let us discuss the actions of the search console:

  1. Confirm that your site can be found by Google and crawl it.
  2. Fix index problems and request new or updated content to be re-indexation.
  3. Get notifications on the indexation, spam or other issues that Google finds on your website.
  4. View the search traffic information for your website on Google (eg:- how often Google search shows your page, how many searches requests your site has made, and many more).
  5. Display the web pages you link to.
  6. AMP, web accessibility and other search functionality problem-solving.

You can use either Google Search Console or Webmaster tool for indexing your website. It’s better if you index your site in both because this helps you increase traffic for your website. Here in both tools, you must verify your site first. After this, you should add your sitemap and only then you can index your site and see the performance of your website.

Through this, you can analyze the performance of your site, for example, total clicks, total impressions, average CTR, and average position. This will help you know where your site stands and how the people are reacting to your content.

According to this, you can focus on your content more and make it more searchable among the people. You’ll know about the content that you should be using for your site.