Email Marketing

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While doing digital marketing people often neglect email marketing. It really plays a vital role when it comes to drive customers. Email is a source to bridge the gap between seller and customer. In other words, it is a medium to develop a relationship with potential customers.

You must be using email for various reasons. For instance, if you are a student, you use email to check updates, if you are buying something online, email is the first thing that you should provide for online shopping. You get all the notifications related to bill payments, updates through your email. If you have subscribed to some kind of news later, or if you are into food or travel, they may send you valuable content through email.

Email is a great source to send promotional messages to clients. Using tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, AgoraPulse you can schedule your content and send it to your audience. But, most people may think email marketing is dead these days because of its lower open rate.

But it is not so, around 58% of people check their emails regularly in the morning. Unlike other social media that keep on changing, checking email has become the regular habit of people. So, you just need to know the right way of email marketing.

There are email marketing strategies to keep the relationship alive with the customer.

Asking for Permission to send the emails

First, asking people for their email address is much essential. For example, through the landing page of your website, you can ask people for their email address and name. Once a person visiting your website enters their email address and confirms the sent confirmation notification that means they have given you permission to send them the messages.

The email address of people can also be bought from various databases, and you can send them messages but this is not the right way to do email marketing because they don’t recognize you and have not given you permission to send them the messages. And once they start to get emails from the unrecognized authority they may report it.

Now, once they report to your emails, they might not see it because it goes to their spam folder. So, it is crucial to have their permission before sending them emails.

No design or Template

It may seem boring but it’s a great idea to build a good relationship with the customer. Think of the promotional emails that are in a promotional folder that are less likely to open by customers. So, it’s a better idea to email them a text that may not look like you are trying to sell them some products rather it should look like a genuine email you would get from your friend.

So, it is recommended to keep email simple with no more than one link and no images at all. Instead, you can use an animated gif or some humor or fun which supports the actual point of your email to make it interesting.


Storytelling is more interesting than delivering any advice or tip. You can add a short story that illustrates the point that you want to tell them. Storytelling makes it more relatable if you are talking about your own experience or the experience of your past customer.

Storytelling should look authentic so that customer gets more attention. You can choose a relatable character, create conflict, create a story that customers can visualize, and finally give surprise at the end.

Scrub Your list

It is more important to have a quality list rather than quantity. So, it is crucial to scrub your list to those who are opening it and looking forward to hearing from you. Suppose, you have a big list of people and you are sending emails also to those who do not open your list then there is a high risk of your email to go on spam or a chance of higher unsubscribed rates.

When there is a higher unsubscribed rate or your email is flagging on a spam folder then your email starts to go on a promotional folder rather than the customer’s inbox and this happens not only with the customers who are flagging your emails, it happens with the entire list.

Remain In Touch With Customers

Be in touch with your customer even after-sales. Follow-up is a great way to convert the possible customer. If you keep connecting with your customer that will grab the attention of your customer.

Treating the customer as a friend is a key to get the conversion rate high, so, you can send them emails on their special days such as on their birthday, or you can send them greetings.

All of these strategies are effective but what most important is the quality of the contents. So, you should focus more on quality. You also can create a campaign to re-engage the inactive group of the customer which is a great way to gain their attention again.